Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Birthday Present

It was my birthday the other day and Billy gave me a present! Check out Sparrow Guitars while your at it!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Words to Live by!

Chopper Minibikes

I remember as a kid going to a local lawnmower shop and drooling over a chopper minibike frame they had for sale. I realize today that I had NO money when I was a kid!

Some Posters

from Pinstripe Myks work station at Sparrow Guitars

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It was on this day....

Elvis filled in for The Sex Pistols on SNL and "reportedly" was banned from playing on SNL again!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pics from Seattle Bike Show

... and none of them of new bikes!!!

Random Pic

Cycle World 08

Went to the CycleWorld New Bike Show in Seattle. Kinda boring. Saw this cool art at a display of some cool bikes. I'd like to get either a Ural with Sidecar or the new retro Guzzi!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Man... I love this pic!

Colour version of previously posted picture. I wanted to be this guy!