Friday, February 27, 2015

Happy Birthday Super Hunky

Happy Birthday Rick Sieman!
Read his book Monkey Butt!

First Editor of Dirt Bike Magazine. He also went on
to be editor of Chopper and Big Bike Magazines!

Rick helped pilot a Sunset Tripper Triumph Chopper in the
Mint 400 desert race!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Swap Fever

we get ONE good swap a year (alright... maybe two) and this one had to cancel last year so, we are pretty stoked! Xmas in April!

Monday, February 23, 2015

RIP - Alley Sweep

Dear The Alley Sweeper,
I'm writing you because our relationship is done. You've changed so much since we met. I hope we can still be friends. I may love you, but I'm definitely not in love with you. You're gonna have to learn to accept that. I'm not sure whether we can see each other in the future but, for now at least, I definitely need a break. It's not me, it's you. We need to start seeing other people. The SFRC will NOT be hosting you this year, Alley Sweeper. I am not running away from you, I am running towards myself. That being said, I want all of our friends to know that the alleys are public right of ways handed down from our forefathers. Forefathers that granted us all the right of access and freedom to their special gift. Even though we are no longer a thing, the alleys are still open to all and should be enjoyed 24/7/365. Open to our friends who treat them responsibly by nurturing the kale, chard, blackberry brambles, raccoons, rats and feral cats that dwell there; and always respect the shopping carts, compost piles, yard debris, abandoned firearm casings, used syringes and all the other colorful detritus that reside there and makes Portland so Portland.
Above all else, please, remember to keep all of OUR alleys well and truly swept, often and with love.
The Alley Sweeper is dead; long live the Alley Sweeper.
- Sang-Froid Riding Club

Album Cover of the Week

Friday, February 20, 2015

Bruce Nelson - CHiPs

Actually it's Bruce Penhall, World Speedway Champ in the early 80's who, I recently discovered, starred in the final season of CHiPs. He played Bruce Nelson, younger brother to Bobby Nelson who took over as Ponchs partner when actor Larry Wilcox left the series.
Champion racer, actor, heartthrob... looks like Bruce had it all!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Lunch Time Viewing

A couple short vids for your lunch break

the ONE Moto - Portland

Such a great vibe. Is it Portland or is it Motorcycle people?
Or maybe its Portland Motorcycle people!
It was hard taking pictures with Beers in hand but...
I'm sure there will be lots floating around cyberspace!
Thx to all who put in lots of time getting this thing together!

Album Cover of the Week