Friday, November 27, 2015

Random Friday

Bob and friend having a good read and listen whilst Malcolm looks on

Anyone know anything about this club?

Ice cream never tasted so good!

Scorpion representing!

Going nowhere fast!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Guy Martin

Who doesn't want to read a book about Guy Martin?
I'm looking forward to the audio, narrated by Guy, versions!

Google it to find out more!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

You Meet the Nicest People on a Motorcycle

A extended weekend jaunt to LA and LV
Meeting up with some of the best people around!

Sideburn/Motorcycho Colab.

Mitch... Reno Scorpion Chapter President

Travis Newbold and some bar hobo

Donzilla Miller - Metro Racing

and I wish I had a photo of Scott from Fuel Cafe in Milwaukee
a dude amongst dudes!

Album Cover of the Week

Strangely similar photo in latest Sideburn!

Friday, November 6, 2015


Hello Norman,
I’ve just been scanning some of our old slides of bikes from the 1970s and thought you’d appreciate this one of Ian (@slickshift61) sitting on his mate’s Fantic Chopper in Harrow, in north-west London. It was taken in 1972 and he was 16. He had lots of hair in those days!
Cheers,   Carol

RIP George

Tuesday, November 3, 2015