Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Puch Allstate

I remember when I was a minibike riding kid, I would walk by this neighbour of mine who had a motorcycle leaning up against their house. It looked like it had been there for years. One day I got up enough nerve to knock on the door and ask them if they wanted to get rid of it. To my surprise the old guy said "sure, take it". WOW! A real motorcycle. Well I never got it running, I had no clue of how an engine worked or anything. I think I put a lawnmower spark plug in it to see if it would start. It sat at the side of our house for years. I don't know why I never tried to get it running after that. Then, one day, it was gone. My parents had gotten rid of it. I kinda wish I had it now.


VCMC are playing their CD release party at the famous Waldorf Hotel
Recently renovated, the World Famous Tiki Bar features the world’s largest collection of original Edgar Leeteg paintings
VCMC are playing in the Cabaret with a screening of On Any Sunday before the mayhem begins

The Other Night...

was an anomaly. Tonight we put them away!

Friday, April 15, 2011

VCMC "Momma"

... it's the same story wherever you go!

New Album Now Out

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


VCMC CD now out! Check it out HERE

And So It Begins...

Hockey Playoffs are here.
Best Canucks team ever!

I bought this puck 40 years ago at my first NHL game
This year it will be my lucky talisman!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011