Friday, October 30, 2009


My youngest is having brain surgery today. Send all postive vibes this way!


"Mother" said...


Motorcycho said...

blood vessel burst in brain... all good but needed surgery

tattered said...

good vibrations....

PMAgent said...

hang in there kiddo. much love n respect.. keepin the positive mental attitude up for you all...

Doc said...

Good energy and hope all is well.

"Mother" said...

Holly shit Norm .Wtf? .....hope he is okay ?..........fuck

Motorcycho said...

its a she... she is good... home now!

"Mother" said...

oh good!.........whew!

Sideburn Magazine said...

Holy moly. You found time to blog when this was going on? Man, you're the one who needs the lobotomy (perhaps have it reversed).
Norm, love to you and yours from Sideburnland. G

Motorcycho said...

lots of free time in the hospital... and free somputer stuff so.... I spent the first night in ICU with my daughter and the new issue of SIDEBURN!

Sideburn Magazine said...

You are wise, Norm. Sideburn is guaranteed to give off the good ju-ju. It arrived just in time. Viva little Mikee! G