We finally did it. Our new improved website is finally up and operating. You'll be able to have free dirt bike classified ads. Anything to do with dirt bikes, riding gear, parts, trailers and haulers can be put in the freebie ads. We will not accept ads for street bikes, cars or anything not related to dirt bikes. Your ad will run for three months, or until you notify us that your listing has been sold.
If you want to run a photograph with your ad, it will cost an extra dollar. You can run as many photos as you want, and they will cost one dollar each. If you want to run a very large ad of 100 words, it’ll cost one dollar more.
There you have it, no mystery.
A few words of warning. Ads in poor taste will not run. Also bogus ads will be bounced. Ads will not be accepted from dealers or companies. This is meant to be a place where dirt bikers can talk straight to other dirt bikers.
In addition, the Don't Ask column from Off-road.com will appear every month in the new site. Also, there'll be a Q. and A. forum for the readers and a whole bunch of new stories and features by Matt Cuddy and yours truly. Our new features will have the kind of stuff you can’t find anywhere else. Want to know what it really costs to rebuild a new four stroke? What are shops around the country charging for this service? What are the kinds of things that you are not being told about the new bikes?
All you guys with older bikes should have a home here at www.superhunky.com. We won't forget about 10 year old YZ's, funky old XRs, two stroke RMs, Kawasaki's, Maicos and all the good old European bikes we've come to know and love.
So take a look at what we have lined up. That’s www.superhunky.com Bookmark it!
1 comment:
that's cool.. I used to have a subscritpion to Dirt Bike magazine in the 70's early 80's
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