Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Building Speed

Building Speed: Motorcycle Racing & Mechanical Triumphs of the 1950s - 60s will deconstruct, re-build and celebrate vintage racing motorcycles’ historical and cultural impact in an America that strives to better understand its place in 2012 and beyond. The show's nucleus will be a collection of race and performance motorcycles spanning different nations, builders, companies, styles, visions and purposes. Each bike and proud owner will tell its own story but will collectively represent a modern day renaissance in golden age engineering, mechanics’ and builders’ pride of our past. In our post-industrial modern day America, this show will strive to re-ignite the importance of an inventive, resourceful, do- it-yourself American vintage motorcycle culture that prided itself not on quantity, but on quality, skill and speed.

7/5 Grand Opening and first Thursday reception: dress down in your racer clothes.
7/12 Movie night presented by Sang-Froid Riding Club
7/17 Evel Knievel Days book release party with author Pauls Toutonghi
7/21 Sang-Froid Riding Club motorcycle ride to Vernonia and Portland International Raceway
8/4 OMRRA Vintage Racing Days after-party with guest appearance by legendary TT moto-racer Dave Roper
8/17 Bridge City Cycles Technician Workshop: tips on how to buy a used bike plus stripping, wrenching, and ice-cold beer
8/25 Closing party! Live music, bike gawking, workshops, photo booth, beer and food
***All events will be held at Graeter Art Gallery***

Sang-Froid Riding Club

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