Where to begin... well, I guess the beginning is the best! Flew into Burbank around 9 at night on the Thursday and Jimmy "The Man" Mac picked me up. The plan was Friday to hit the cool sickle shops in L.A. Now, L.A. is huge! So we decided to get a hotel close to where we were going to begin our travels for that day. Friday morning, first stop is Tom Whites Garage. You've seen pics in various magazines, as well in a book released recently called "Ultimate Motorcycle Garages". Jimmy new Tom and had given him a call to see if we could visit his garage. Tom welcomed us with open arms (and a cup of black coffee) and give us a personal tour of his UNBELIEVABLE garage.
At the end, Tom allowed me to pick one bike to take home, I chose this 60's Yamaha Scrambler/Flattracker. He said I couldn't really take it home!
damn, i was going to say that's one heck of a nice guy to let you take that cool bike home.
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