Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Old Motorcycle Shop

Rad shop in Calgary, unlike any shop I've ever seen (at least in a long time). 
Lots of cool old bikes of all types. Check it out if you are in the area. 


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

These are great selection of motorcycles. Are these brand new or used motorcycles? Whether it is brand new or not, I think all of these can handle a long trip or race. The third photo of the motorcycle is kind of vintage looking. I would love to see this personally, and perhaps buy one for me.

**Erik Lucien

Anonymous said...

Cool! Those were a lot of motorbikes. You know, if motorbike enthusiasts get to visit the place, I’m sure they’ll enjoy roaming around, as they could see different types of bikes and with the most extraordinary designs that they don’t get to see every day.

Clare Westby

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was blown by the numbers! That’s a lot of money inside that shop! :D Kidding. But seriously, in a motorcycle lover’s perspective, these machines are more than any amount of money. These are a product of years of successful motorcycle evolution in which we should all take pride in. Where is this again?

-->Claudio Mccarty